Oh Act Of Peter, I'm In Love...

3:18 PM

Oh act of Peter, I’m in love
With your strict and structured form,
The Neva’s commanding course <...>
("Mednyj vsadnik" by Aleskandr Pushkin).
Hi everyone! Recently me and my dad was in St. Petersburg! 
In St. Petersburg I was the third time. And every time when I come , I never cease to wonder at it's beauty and majesty! A streets, a palaces, a majestic tempeles, a houses, a parks, a gardens/ a bridges all of this attracts me on St. Petersburg.
You know, sometimes I think how incredible all on this city?! St. Petersburg was on a swamp. Thanks Peter the Great St. Petersburg was the imperial city! And when I walk on a thoese streets I think HOW INCREDIBLE?! Because maybe a place when I walk , went before Aleksandr Pushkin , Aleksandr Griboedov or someone from the Royal family!

With my dad I went to our favourite places. By the way, the weather was so nice, because usually in St. Petersburg. a weather rainy.

Also we was in Tsarskoe Selo ( "Tsar's Village") . And OMG this was amazing! In the palace located The Amber Room  , which made entirely of amber. During the Second World War almost all amber room robbed Nazis, but at that moment The Amber Room restored ( In  The Amber Room was impossible to photograph , so I take the photo prom Internet also a link from photo).

1. Photo 

2. Photo

3. Photo
4. Photo
5. Photo
6. Photo 

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